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Public Housing (PH)

The Public Housing Program aims to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families. The program was created under the Housing Act of 1937 which authorized the establishment of State and Local Public Housing Authorities. These Housing Authorities own and manage housing units available to low-income families at a low cost. The FCHA owns and manages 172 public housing units in the Floyd County area.

The job of FCHA, pursuant to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, is to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing, in good repair, to low-income families at an affordable rent. FCHA screens applicants for public housing, and if they are found eligible and accepted, FCHA offers the applicant a unit. If the applicant accepts the offer, FCHA will enter into a contract with the applicant known as the lease, becoming a tenant of the Public Housing Program.

FCHA receives its operating subsidy for the public housing program from HUD. A Public Housing Agency (PHA) is a governmental or public body, created through state enabling legislation to develop and operate housing and housing programs for low-income families. FCHA enters into an Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) with HUD to administer the public housing program. FCHA must ensure compliance with federal laws, regulations, and notices and must establish policy and procedures to clarify federal requirements and to ensure consistency in program operation. The Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP) establishes guidelines for applicant eligibility and continued rental assistance.

For more information on the Public Housing Program, please visit HUD.